Notes from Osturňa

Through My Eyes

paw printPoochini's Blog

Hello! My name is Poochini and I live in Osturňa, Slovakia. I'm so excited: I now have my very own blog (thanks, Boo!).

photo of Thom KoltonThom's Blog

Life seems to move more quickly than it used to... I've always made notes about my life, but seldom organized my writings in a coherent form. This is my attempt to correct my ways.

workshop building“the building of a simple workshop”

I needed a building to store everything in my wooden house, and to store the wood once the buiding was dismantled. Here is the account of how the workshop got built.

Ode to Osturňaa short video featuring Osturňa

Originally created as a marketing tool for the village, this Ode to Osturňa is dear to my heart.

a golden apple“The Golden Apple (the story of Osturňa)”

Based on Slavic mythology and set in the village of Osturňa, Slovakia, this is the tale of a people who, out of desperation, find they are willing to compromise a lot for an apple!

three cats eating“Cats in Winter”

Before me, my caretaker had adopted some stray cats roaming around Osturňa. He was inspired to write a poem about them. (When do I get my poem?)

© 2021 Thom Kolton